LOCAL PARALEGAL ASSOCIATIONS AROUND KENTUCKYThe KPA also encourages its members to enhance your professional development and connect with its local paralegal association partners - the GLPA, LAP, NKAP, SKAP and WKP. Local association membership is a valuable connection to paralegals who are located in your same or nearby cities and who work in your same or similar practice areas. These associations provide you with local networking opportunities, free CLE events, professional-related social outings close to home, additional opportunities for involvement and leadership on a local level, opportunities to mentor paralegal students in local universities, and opportunities to participate in pro bono projects that make a difference right in your own community. Many of these local associations also offer joint membership with local bar associations and are affiliates of national paralegal associations, which increases member benefits even more. Even if you currently live or work outside of these associations’ geographic location, you may be eligible for associate membership that entitles you to virtual CLE offerings. |